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                NO.1416-1419, block a, Lihai Asia international leading peak, ASEAN Business District, Qingxiu District Nanning City

                TEL:+86 17776201122

                E-mail: eczdsj023@126.com





                13th floor, Lifang international building, Wuxing 5th Road Wuhou District Chengdu City

                TEL:+86 13980635707

                E-mail: eczdsj023@126.com

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                馬良(中國)設計有限公司在南寧及成都均設立公司↙辦公室,在鄭州市設立辦事處,是目前中⌒國內地最具創造力的專業酒店室內設計公司之壹,在創始人李沖先生的引領∩下,馬良(中國)設計有限公司以㊣ 20年的良好信譽和穩健的經營作風使公司穩步發↓展。開創了中國室內設計業“獨立設計”的先河,在2008年開始使純設計與∞施工裝飾企業獨立,使室內設計更①加專業化,設計師更加受人尊敬,設計師☉的專業價值獲得肯定,規範Ψ了室內設計的發展,影響了酒店設計業的未來。

                Ma Liang (China) Design Co.,Ltd., with office in Nanning and Chengdu and offices in Zhengzhou,is one of the most creative professional hotel interior design companies in mainland China,Ma Liang (China) Design Co.,Ltd. to 20years of good reputation and sound management style to the company's steady development.In 2008,it began to make pure design and construction decoration enterprises independent,making interior design more professional,designers are more respected,and the professional value of designers is affirmed,it has standardized the development of interior design and influenced the future of hotel design.



                Ma Liang (China) design Co., Ltd., is currently, one of the most creative, professional, interior design, companies in mainland China, under the leadership of the founder, Mr. Ma Liang (design), to 20 years, the good reputation, and steady, business, style, make the company, steady progress.

                2018年即位列“中國室內設☆計公司百強”,2019年被東呈國際酒店集團《DOSSEN東呈國際》評ω 為全年設計公司“最佳服∑務獎”2020年被東呈國際酒店集團《DOSSEN東呈國際》評ζ為全年設計公司“卓越設計獎”(唯壹榮璺獎)。

                In 2018, it was ranked "China, interior design, company, top 100". In 2019, it was named "DOSS En Dongcheng International" by Dongcheng International Hotel Group. In 2019, it was named "Best, service award" by "DOSS En Dongcheng International" by Dongcheng International Hotel Group in 2020, design Company "Excellence, Design Award" (unique, honorable mention).


                In China, the company, which is committed to the field of high-class hotel, interior design, has a group of high-quality, professional, technical talents and supporting, professional, personnel, which is a professional design, group, with a strong sense of community, cooperation, and spirit, we are convinced that, every innovation, idea, from conception, to implementation, must pay the price of hardship, so, every link, designers, they are excellence.


                "successful creative design is realized" is the word that everyone keeps. Over the years, the company has contributed a large number of successful interior design works, has won customers and owners extensive praise. Its commissioned interior design cases involved in various fields of society,especially in the interior design of high-end hotels have become a leader of the mainland hotel interior design trend.


                Ma Liang (China) Design Co. , Ltd. will continue to provide rich content, full of wisdom, reflecting the eastern characteristics and western advantages of exquisite design works, as well as adhering to Ma Liang's dream of being a practical, natural and perfect space, dedicated to the study of interior design and originality, fashion and style.